Monday, 15 April 2013

The Opening

Assalamualaikum wbt. and Salam 1Malaysia,
First and foremost, we welcome you to our blog: ISLAMIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE OF SEMANTICS. We are a group of aspiring students of English language: Linguistics and Literature, taking a course in Computer Applications in Language Learning (ENGL4840) from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Through this blog, we would like to attempt to provide Islamic perspectives on the course that we have chosen throughout the study period in IIUM, Semantics. Semantics is the study of meaning and words hence, we, through this blog, humbly attempt to provide Semantics a view from Islamic perspective. InsyaAllah, we hope that our through our limited excess of knowledge and research, we could provide the necessary exposure towards the betterment of the Ummah.
To conclude, we welcome you to our humble blog, may our efforts and determination be of good use to the betterment of the mankind. InsyaAllah.

Saturday, 13 April 2013



15. ISLAMIZATION OD KNOWLEDGE (Syed Naquib al-Attas)

Blogger Profiles



In this blog, we will provide the other side for the subject Semantics; a 'loop hole' if you may say, this is an attempt on how and why Semantics is viewed as it is and how we try to ISLAMIZE it. Before we get further into this subject matter, it would be only logical to introduce the 'mastermind' behind the creation of this blog:

1) Shazwan Bin Abdul Mutalib 

2)Ahmad Zaki Bin Zaini

3)Nadhirah Binti Mohd. Nasir

4)Nurainol Wahidah Binti Ahmad Najih 
We are all students of English Language; Linguistics and Literature from International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, Selangor. Hoping to graduate next semester InsyaAllah. :-))

Friday, 12 April 2013

Definition and History of CALL

         The origin of CALL(Computer-Assisted Language Learning) can be traced back to the year of 1960 as the first tool prior to an enhancement in computer usage in classrooms. Up until the late 1970s CALL projects were implemented mainly to universities, where computer programs were developed on large mainframe computers. The PLATO project, initiated at the University of Illinois in 1960, is an important landmark in the early development of CALL (Marty, 1981). In the late 1970s, the arrival of the personal computer (PC) brought computing within the range of a wider audience, resulting in a boom in the development of CALL programs and a flurry of publications. 

          Early CALL favoured an approach that drew heavily on practices associated with programmed instruction. This was reflected in the term Computer Assisted Language Instruction (CALI), which originated in the USA and was in common use until the early 1980s when CALL became the dominant term. There was initially a lack of imagination and skill on the part of programmers, a situation that was rectified to a considerable extent by the publication of an influential seminal work by Higgins & Johns (1984), which contained numerous examples of alternative approaches to CALL. Throughout the 1980s CALL widened its scope, embracing the communicative approach and a range of new technologies. CALL has now established itself as an important area of research in higher education as an integration of knowledge.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Semantics and the Three Stages of CALL

           This post concerns about the development of our blog's theme in an Islamization of Semantics. As one of the core courses in English Linguistics and Literature component, our particular field of linguistics in Semantics correlates directly to the THREE STAGES of CALL. We attained several relations of experiences in CALL collectively. Thus, as this being the first post, we describe how CALL implementation existed through our academic Semantics experiences with the usage of a computer in the class. 

1. Did the course incorporate the use of computer in the teaching and learning?

Yes, in semantics, computer has been chosen as a tool in finding limitless number of data from myriad articles available on the internet. By using computer as assistance, it somehow increases the student’s motivation and interest in acquiring knowledge as it is accessible at any time as long as there is an internet connection.  It somehow develops the student’s process of thinking critically and creates opportunity for students to be active in class and not stay passive. Opportunities are given by teachers for students to conduct their assignment by using Microsoft Word to construct tables so they can work collaboratively with electronic knowledge that they have and at the same time enhancing their learning method. Though it may have some negative effects such as the computer application might not work properly or they might result to incorrect data but they will eventually absorb the information rapidly and improve to a better state as long as they have the will to learn.

2. Are the computer- based activities related to any of the 3 stages of call?

Semantics uses task-based teaching where it concerns with all three essential elements which are language data, information and opportunities for practice. As far as each of us can remember, computer-based activities were confined and implied among the students through everyday classes. The usage of the computer was mainly served as a tool where the lecturer copied the slides and word documents to the computer in facilitating the overall computer-based task throughout the class. Activities relating to a computer usage were also carried out communicatively between the lecturer and the students. As for my understanding, the lecturer handled his talk with the slides or documents shown on the monitor screen(projected to a canvas) at first hand. He then asked feedbacks and questions from the students to further elaborate the words which were not shown in the slides or documents. As the documents were served only to provide us informations, we provide ourselves informations and thorough understandings of various syllabus discussions. The computer was regarded as an important assistant nevertheless. Knowledge of Semantics was also presented in frames of concept representations. The third stage of CALL was also presented throughout the class as the lecturer incorporated the use of feedbacks and questions through e-mail. All in all, our Semantics class was focused in organizing actions upon informations as a mediary sources through structure, context, and value.

3. What are the important concepts in the 3 stages related to the activities?

In order to achieve an outcome, a target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal). The role of the student is to either work individually or with a group and they must gather and organize information gained into a report and present results to instructor as he or she analyzes the students’ performance.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Video Dose: C.A.L.L Computer Assisted Language Learning

Language learning through the help of computer. This is a fun way to learn language not to mention educating. Now, language can not only learned through books, but through other interesting medium as well!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Islamization of Knowledge

Islamization of Knowledge. 

Assalamualaikum. Yesterday's class was very interesting indeed. I recalled once of having to learn mainly about the topic of this reflection would be, in a course of Islamic Ethics. It's safe to state at this moment that the knowledge of how to practically 'develop human knowledge' in accordance with Islamic principles and perspectives' can actually be very thoughtful when we normally can associate 'what' knowledge can or to be Islamized? Even to an extend of 'how' to Islamize our knowledge. Islam comprises all religion and 

Truth be told, Western ideologies, theories and concepts are knowledges which grew abound as a global wave in embracing modernity and science. It is perhaps one of the most important topic of study towards "developing human knowledge in accordance with Islamic principles/perspectives". Students of later generation for example, should be counted on desecularizing Western knowledge, thoughts, and ideologies into Islamic values. 

Islam, as a religion with perfect ethics and spiritual values, must be uphold in individuals and students' processes of study and education. To Islamize one's knowledge means to interpret its notions from an Islamic point of view and interpretations. Allah S.W.T has made men to be vicegerents on the earth. We are equipped with intellectual gifts from Allah S.W.T to ponder and scheme through knowledge and utilize reason with correct injunctions and views from the Islamic perspective. 

The class session also provided truthful facts of having to be able to Islamize the existence of any acquired knowledge. We discussed the question of "how does Islam and universal knowledge reintegrates?" along understanding two pronged strategies of reintegration of Islamic values and Islamization of knowledge. 

The first is to reform the curriculum of the university to apply a system of Islamizing knowledge in all courses. This can be regarded as to reform the whole system of education while in a sense to elevate the rank of international education system; which would take tremendous amount of time and effort in order to accomplish. Universities nowadays have established themselves each department of research and analyzing to propound along with Islamic thoughts and interpretations. The responsibility of interpreting knowledge of what we acquire in Islamic thoughts and values hangs on the shoulders of all Muslim leaders, believers, and Islamic societies to contribute for all nations only for the sake of Allah S.W.T.

Monday, 11 March 2013

1ST ASSIGNMENT: LESSON PLAN: An English Listening Teaching Plan on "An African tourist guide”

Monday/11th March 2013
10am – 12pm
IIUM, CFS Level 6 Students
2 Hours
English (Listening)
“An African tourist guide”

General Objectives
1.       Understand the various use of computers and computer software in language classroom
2.       Develop computer mediated communication for lessons for language classroom
3.       Develop computer mediated communication using INGLES
4.       Implement computer software to enlarge classroom interaction
5.       Explain how listening is a skill that can be develop

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1.       Improve their listening skills
2.       Able to understand, comprehend and reflect on information given through the software
3.       Able to acquire necessary skills to extract important information in a long speech/ narration
4.       Able to identify at least four benefits of listening
5.       Recognize internal and external barriers to listening and know what to do to overcome them

1.       Activity 1 & 2: “An African tourist guide”
Language Skills


Instil the spirit of UkhuwahFillah among students of the classroom
Prior Knowledge

Students have learned the following item in previous classes:
1.       Simple past tense
Instructional Aids
Computer, INGLES Software( Microsoft PowerPoint, Speakers, Headphones, Questions and answer sheets.
Set Induction
1.       Greetings and opening remarks
2.       Ice-breaking session, short games to introduce students to listening (Telephone Booth)
3.       Teacher asks the following questions:
a.        How do you feel after the game?
b.       Do you have difficulties understanding the words/phrases?
4.       Introduces the software to use in Activity 1 and Activity 2
Content Development
Step 1
Teacher introduces INGLES to the students for Activity 1. Teacher then plays some recordings and asks the students to collect ideas and main points. Teacher gives 3 minutes for the students to jot down their findings on the answer sheets. Once finished, teacher collects the answer sheets.

Step 2
Teacher explains the use of INGLES further then later proceeds to Activity 2. Teacher then plays some recordings and asks the students to collect ideas, main points, reflect upon it and present it to the whole class. Each student is given 3 minutes to prepare and random students are chosen to present their ideas to the whole class.

Step 3
Teacher then collected the answer sheets from Activity 1 and assesses the presentation of Activity 2. Teacher then asks the students about their experience and feelings about the class. Teacher the reemphasize the importance of listening and its barriers as well as ways to overcome it.
1.       Exercise collected from students
2.       Recap activities done briefly
3.       Ask for student’s opinion
4.       Reemphasize the steps of listening skills, its limitations and ways to overcome it
5.       Reemphasize the value of appreciation towards the spirit of UkhuwahFillah
Evaluation of Learning Outcomes
1.       Evaluation of Activity 1
a.        Teacher plays some recordings through the computer, and then gives 3 minutes for the students to analyse and jot down the important events/ideas on answer sheet. Once finished, teacher collected the answer sheets.
2.       Evaluation of Activity 2
a.        Teacher plays some recordings through the computer, explains about the task students needed to do. The students then are required to analyse, jot down, reflect and present their findings. Each student is given 3 minutes for both analysing and presenting.
3.       Evaluation of Learning Outcome
a.        Teacher collected the answer sheets from the first activity (Activity 1) and assesses the presentation for the second activity (Activity 2). Teacher then ask the students about their experiences and values learnt throughout the class session.
Extended Work
1.       Teacher then assign students with some activities they can do at home using the software INGLES.
Lesson Evaluation/

Supervisor’s Comments

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Reflections on Islamization of knowledge

The topic of discussion on the Islamization of knowledge bears heavy significances and wisdom to attain the full truth of our purpose on the pursuit of the knowledge bestowed by Allah S.W.T throughout the universe. In this topic, we deal with the integration of knowledge which in our own words, we might describe integration as being an individual and student, the knowledge from our constant learning does not limit oneself, it somehow integrate with our own understanding of the world.

Through the 'lense' of Islam, Allah S.W.T has mentioned in the Qur'an that says, "Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding"(al-Imran: 190) Everything which has been created by Him is indeed for mankind to always point out to Him, the Almight. This ayat further elaborates how man who in pursuit of knowledge as he acquires, must reflect upon the source of knowledge itself. In Surah Yunus, Allah S.W.T explains, "It is He Who made the sun a shining thing and the moon as a light and measured out its (their) stages, that you might know the number of years and the reckoning. Allâh did not create this but in truth. He explains the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail for people who have knowledge."

The virtues and conducts in gaining and applying knowledge, must be uphold in individuals and students' processes of study and education. To Islamize one's knowledge means to interpret its notions from an Islamic point of view and interpretations. Allah S.W.T has made men to be vicegerents on the earth. We are equipped with intellectual gifts from Allah S.W.T to ponder and scheme through knowledge and utilize reason with correct injunctions and views from the Islamic perspective. 

The class session also provided truthful facts of having to be able to Islamize the existence of any acquired knowledge. We discussed the question of "how does Islam and universal knowledge reintegrates?" along understanding two pronged strategies of reintegration of Islamic values and Islamization of knowledge. 

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Reflections on CALL in Language Skills

We believe that the skills are all require the semantics value of it. Meaning that in the process of acquiring the skills we also have to have the capacity of understanding the meaning of english language. In listening skill, we know that we will understand the words because we know the meaning. Therefore, we also would like to say a few things about this on the islamic perspective that Islam does concern about acquiring this skill and the process of it. If a child would listen to something they usually pick up the words by listening and repeating them,therefore listening also has consequences to a child's learning process. We should ensure the child would listen to a good content of knowledge so that they will learn something valuable at the same time in line with islam. In todays technology era its inevitable to see kids playing the internet and gadgets, its a big worry that children might listen to immoral stuffs therefore as adult we should check on them and guide them in the listening and learning process.

We also believe that speaking skill simultaneously develops with listening skills. If a child listen and repeat the word they would probably do it without noticing or understand its meaning. It could be the sentence is ungrammatical or worst it could be immoral as well. Should speakers speak with correct grammar and with a good content. This is what islam asks us to do, we should speak with good intention and good content with good words so that receiver will gain its positive meaning, as for the learner of speaking skill will extract the good meaning at the same time speaks only good things.

Writing also is another way of  speaking your words and what you mean, the only difference is that you will write it not speak it. Writing a good material requires a person to have a good writing skill. In wider range of view, the knowledge and wisdom that Allah S.W.T had scattered for mankind to ponder, reflect, and utilize is all up to the person who gains the knowledge. Writing skill, on another scale, has been approved to improvise the language efficiency of the user by continuous drilling in constructing sentences through grammar and vocabulary choices. As CALL improves writing skill of a speaker, programs and softwares which language scholars have invented and applied in analyzing and explaining the importance of writing seem to be able to be reflected as such during the period of the chaliphate in 655 A.D who previously wrote extensively on the revelation of the Prophet S.A.W.  The intense hearing, listening, and writing skills they've adopted upon preserving the Quranic indentions were insurmountable to be compared with how much technologies have shifted the human abilities in explaining language and expanding knowledge.

Thus, in all scopes of language learning through the usage and assistance of computers, we, as creations of Allah S.W.T, complete with various gifts and abilities to reflect and ponder must be able to utilize our knowledge of acquiring language skills beyond what we can see. In this technological world, as an example, we should feel as most fortunate because of the averseness of having to improvise our ways of communicating at the tips of our hands.